
Category: Blog

We’re calling an end to the “mad Christmas present dash”

We’re calling an end to the “mad Christmas present dash”

We all know that Christmas comes around once a year, same day, without fail! Why is it then that we can still find ourselves performing the mad present buying dash on December 24th??  Aimlessly wandering around the shops thinking “What are we going to buy Uncle Barney? We can’t get him socks, jocks or hankies […]

What is Quinoa and how the heck is it pronounced??!!

What is Quinoa and how the heck is it pronounced??!! quinoa_crop

I have been asked “What is Quinoa and how the heck is it pronounced?!” many, many times! Drum roll….Quinoa is a ‘Super Food’ and pronounced – keen-wah! It is actually a seed, not a grain as commonly thought.  The quinoa plant is stunning and comes in a rainbow of different colours. The Incas held the […]

Why ‘Thistle Be Good’?

    Why indeed!  Interestingly enough, today, I got a call from ‘Shirley’, who had seen our name and was curious as to what we did – so she called me up!  One of the more interesting calls that I’ve had.  It made a nice change from someone trying to sell me something I can […]